Monday, March 24, 2014

Catching up with...everything!

It's official. I am the worst blogger to ever blog. I always take tons and tons of pictures with the intent of spending loads of time writing about what I've been up to in the kitchen and in the classroom. But that never happens. So, I'm left with posts like this where I basically just throw everything at you all at once. Here goes!

This was for St. Patrick's Day, but it also tied in with our weather unit and addition! 

Personal narratives we call "Small Moments", following Lucy Calkins. These were so fabulous! Other teachers didn't believe kindergarteners had written them! Love it!

The conclusion to our weather unit! They wrote about their favorite weather, read their writing and recorded it with an app on my iPad called AudioBoo, then I printed QR codes that linked up to their audio recordings and they took turns scanning their codes so the class could hear them reading! They loved this, by the way. They were so proud!

I've been making tons of these flatbread pizzas lately because I feel like I hardly ever have time to spend in the kitchen these days. But these are still healthy and help me kick pizza cravings! 

And then I discovered these: chicken, avocado, and low-fat cheese melts. Holy delicious! So simple and so full of flavor. And healthy, of course!

I mentioned to Chad last week that I was thinking about making cookies, and he made me pinky promise that I would use real sugar, real flour, etc. Soooo this is what he got! Needless to say he was pretty pleased. I also made sundried tomato and white wine Alfredo with chicken on Friday and it was superb! But I forgot to take a photo :( 

My Khaleesi also turned one! She got some homemade doggy cupcakes to celebrate! What can I say? I spoil her. But, seriously, why even get a dog if you don't intend on spoiling it?

And this morning I made more of Taralynn McNitt's avocado brownies, this time portioned out in a mini muffin pan and topped with toffee bits! I've already had three, shhhh.

This is also my spring break week, and it's one that definitely started at the right time. It's been much needed! I'm going to try to get some wedding planning done, spend more time getting into a running routine, work at the daycare (which I have missed quite a bit), and hopefully try a couple of new recipes to share. Chad and I are going to look for apartments on Wednesday and go to our first cake tasting! I am so excited about that and I can't wait to share that experience with you all. If I haven't posted about it by Thursday night, someone remind me that I promised a post!

Hopefully this is the last time I'll have to overload you with a post like this.

Sadly, it's probably not. 

Happy spring break!

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